Pick a Pic Hug

I capture photographs with my heart.

My eyes and my camera capture the image, but when my heart connects with it—that’s when I know it’s a good one.

I have always connected with people in my life through hugs and smiles. My photography is allowing me to express that connection in a way I have never explored before.

Photographs evoke emotion and that is my connection to everyone. If you can feel the emotion and connection to me, through the hug I give you when you look at one of my photographs, then—I have succeeded.

I am on a journey of self discovery, learning to share of myself and express my feelings through both my photographic art and finding my voice, with the words I share in my posts.

If you would like to come on this journey with me, and get a pic hug along the way, I would love that!

Thank you for visiting and have a magical day!


panoramic view of mount maunganui town from the summit of mauao with natural vegetation in the foreground